

Our first bitch, Pin-Up, has been given to us by our daughter's godfather in 1979.Saut de Pin-Up She was a small Newfoundland with a strong personality. Although her parents were known, she was not registered to the LOF, and would not have been able to be entered because she was truly very small. In those times every Newfoundland , even without papers, could practice water trial. In only 4 contest Pin-Up won the "Brevet de Travail en Mer" (highest degree in water trial).
Considering her indisputable abilities for the water trial, we married our Pin-Up to Roulis des Loges de Pierre Feu, a pretty Newfoundland male. Among the 10 puppies of the litter, we have kept a little female, Themis. A few months later, we learnt that Thétis, that we had placed near Nantes was going to be abandoned. We got therefore her back in order to find her new masters, but she has no longer ever left the house.
The 2 sisters have been confirmed by Mrs Rabouille, secretary of the CFCTN, the 25/04/1984.
We have then begun to frequent shows where Thetis obtained promising results . She met there Togo du Détroit de Belle Isle. Brume was born from this combination. She was the first puppy with the kennel name "du Pré aux Vanneaux".
With her we have obtained our first CAC and CACIB. In water trial, Brume has behaved equally very well by obtaining the 3rd degree at Fécamp, in difficult conditions, under the judgement of Jean Chmielevski, few time before his disappearance.
Alone in her nest, Brume gave birth only to an alone puppy, that unfortunately we have not been able to keep at home.
Thétis died of a cancer in july 1987, Pin-Up died 5/08/1993, at the age of 14, Thémis follwed her 11/07/1994 and Brume on 5/08/1997, 4 years date for date after its grandmother.
We got again a Newfoundland female, Pretty-Girl du Havre de Delphy in 2000.

By 1990, we have acquired our first Schapendoes - Fumée de la Pierre aux Coqs - from Mr. and Mrs Engrand, famous french breeders.
At first, we only wanted a dog to keep our 3 Newfoundlands company. From the very beginning, Fumée was a very promising show dog : she was judged "Best of Breed" at her first show and continued to have an extremely succesful show record. Since 1990, our Schapendoes family has grown.

As we were in touch with dogs of dutch origin, we have taken fondness for Dutch shepherds and more particularly the rough haired, nearly unknown in France. After some research and a few patience, we have welcomed 25/11/2002 Amarulla, a baby Dutch shepherd rough haired born in Holland at Miranda Kox. With her, we learn to herd sheeps and begin to practice sports like tracking and ring.

Annie and Bernard Pouvesle

Annie is retired. She was Director of nursery school. She is now president of the BHCF. Currently unemployed, Bernard has had responsibilities in industry and the social sector. He sits in the boards of BHCF.
Bernard is international judge for water trial, show dog judge for Newfoundland , Landseer, Dutch Shepherds, Schapendoes and Saarloos Wolfdog.

We are of course members of the "Bergers Hollandais Club de France" and of the "Club Français du Chien Terre-Neuve et du Landseer". We are also members of the "Nederlandse Schapendoes Vereniging", "Nederlandse Herdershond Club" in Holland and of the "Lëtzbuerger Schapendoes Herdershond an Saarloos Klub" in Luxemburg.

In France, we sign from the begining the Charte of the BHCF.

Our breeding.procedures

When we say "breeded for you as for ourselves", we mean that it is our goal to breed and raise top quality physically and mentally sound puppies.

As soon as they are born, we install an enclosure for the new family in our living room. A month later, we install them in a kennel close by the house. And, as soon as the weather permits, we open the doors to the adjoining terrace which gives them room inside and out. The availability and proximity of the terrace facilitates the house-breaking process. The next step includes a second space for them on the lawn.

Although the mother has always access to pups, but she can, when necessary take a break.

The pups are weaned from their mother very gradually. At 3 or 4 weeks, depending on the number of puppies, we supplement their diet with a top quality puppy food. This way the bitch can gradually wean the puppies while continuing to educate them.

We provide the puppies with a loving atmosphere, rich in visual and auditive household sights and sounds : human voices, the vacuum cleaner, telephone, radio, TV etc.

It is our experience that this, plus, of course careful and responsible breeding, makes for healthy top-quality, well-adjusted dogs.

our first nest of schapendoes

Where are we ?

Since september 2001, the kennel "du Pré aux Vanneaux" is establihed in Burgandy, at Verlin (89330) about 150km in the SE from Paris. The site has been choiced in accordance to the proximity of the highways A6, A5, A19(see a map) and the distance from other habitations.
Our nearest neighbour is more than 600m from us.
The estate is situed on the sunny side of a valey. This was a vineyard in the past. It includes a meadow of nearly 15000 m² and a wood of about 14000 m².

To maintain this rather important surface and also to get our dogs working , we have acquired some sheeps "Thones-Marthod" (a rare breed from Savoy).

By Post

Annie et Bernard Pouvesle
Les Cottats
89330 Verlin - France

By Phone

+33 (0)3 86 91 17 70

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